Four Organizing Tips to Start 2021 Off Right


Happy 2021! May this this year hold brighter days ahead, with the hope of returning to projects we may have neglected during the dark days of 2020. Here are some hacks to set you back on track and keep your home running like a beautifully well-oiled machine.

Declutter your Paper Clutter   

Let 2021 be the year you finally tackle that big pile of paper clutter. If you’re anything like me, you find filing papers both tedious and headache-inducing. For this reason, keep your paper trail light by digitizing documents wherever possible. Otherwise, I suggest subscribing to KonMari’s method of paper sorting: 1) paper that needs attention (bills, forms to fill out), 2) paper that needs to be kept short term (tax returns, warranties); and 3) paper that needs to be kept forever (birth certificates, contracts, etc.). This four-drawer letter tray fits the bill perfectly for paper storage (I recommend using the extra drawer for mementos like cherished birthday cards and old letters). 

Wrap up Your Wrapping Paper

Everyone just opened their gifts and now there’s a massive pile of wrapping paper on the floor…what do you do? As tempting as it is to stuff everything in the recycling bin, it turns out that a lot of wrapping paper is non-recyclable. Instead, save as much wrapping paper and ribbon as you can for future gifting. To keep these items organized, store loose ribbon in a large ziplock bag and leftover sheets rolled up neatly in a medium-sized basket. It’ll save you time and money for gifting in 2021, while also helping out the earth. 

Get those Mops off the Floor

In 2020, all the time spent sanitizing and cleaning brought into focus how important it is to have our cleaning equipment well-organized. This mop and broom holder allows for easy access (which means you’ll actually get around to cleaning more often), while also freeing up valuable closet space for new winter gear. I always loathe stuffing a wet mop into the closet, and this upright rack ensures it will dry out nicely. Here's to happy and more organized cleaning in 2021.

Decant Your Pantry

My new obsession for 2021 is buying grains and nuts in bulk, then decanting and labeling them in pretty glass jars. Label makers can be quite tedious (and wasteful), so I recommend instead using this non-toxic erasable glass pen marker. It washes off easily with a damp cloth, so each jar can serve many incarnations as vessels for various dry goods. 


The One Organizing Essential Your Kitchen Needs